Business Management

Who Is the 'One Great Salesperson'?

The new channel business model has little room for salespeople who are not also technology pros.

Microsoft Surface Sales Expanded to Channel in 17 Countries

Microsoft on Thursday pressed ahead with efforts to expand sales of its struggling Microsoft Surface PC hardware line through the channel.

The Ultimate Sales Strategy

The sales techniques that worked five or 10 years ago won't work as well today. What modern prospects are looking for is a partner that can deliver Business Guidance Value.

Finding Your Company's Growth-Rate Sweet Spot

For IT companies, what's the ideal rate between growing too fast and not being able to keep up with demand, or growing too slowly and not having the resources to create demand?

Why the IAMCP Is Critical to Future Success in the Channel

The International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners has always been a useful resource, but it became invaluable after Microsoft flipped the switch on the Microsoft Partner Network. Howard explains how.

Analyst: Microsoft Must Expand Its Surface Resale Program

Microsoft must eventually expand the resale opportunity for its Surface line of tablets to a wider partner base, according to Forrester Research.

Dispatch from ChannelCon: ChannelCon-fused

As Howard finds at this year's CompTIA partner convention, yes, there's still a channel. But there's also something else.

Below the Surface: Ignoring the Danger of Ignoring the Channel

In which Howard draws a link between a series of unfortunate Microsoft Surface-related events.

Parsing Through the WPC 2013 Rumors (UPDATED)

Are PAMs going away? Is a major partner executive leaving? As usual, there were plenty of rumors floating around this year's Worldwide Partner Conference floor -- some more well-founded than others. Howard separates fact from fiction.

Want Help from Microsoft? Better Know a Microsoft Segment

What's one of the most common missteps a partner can make when approaching a Microsoft employee? According to our former Microsoft insider, it's not knowing what he or she is responsible for.

WPC: Microsoft-Backed Study Touts Partner Benefits of Cloud

Cloud computing is growing five times faster than the IT industry, and partners that incorporate cloud into their business models have more success than those that don't, according to a new Microsoft-sponsored report by IDC.

Channel Gets a Crack at Selling Microsoft Surface

A small group of high-volume U.S. resellers are authorized to sell the Microsoft Surface devices under a new program announced Monday.

Partners: 6 Ways To Beat the Summer Slowdown

Resist the urge to take a break in these months. Planning a well-thought-out summer campaign now can pay great dividends later.

Kicking Off a Simpler Era in Office 365 Migrations?

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Microsofties' startup called SkyKick automates the process for partners to sell, plan, provision, migrate, manage and set up Office 365.

Got a Growth Story? We Have an Award for That

The RCP/Rocket award honors IT services companies whose unique business strategies have led to growth. The May 1 deadline for submissions is fast approaching.