Business Management

Dell Now Selling Microsoft Software via Download

Dell announced late last week that it is the first company aside from Microsoft to offer Microsoft software for sale via direct download.

Windows 7 on Track for Q3 to early Q4 RTM

Operating Systems: Release Candidate arrives in plenty of time for the new OS to be generally available in Fall 2009.

Microsoft Chases the Discount Bandwagon

In this economy, we're relying on quick, easy gimmicks to keep the money moving. Aggressive discounts are what's working for Microsoft.

Should You Get Services-Ready?

Microsoft rolls consulting know-how into offerings that managed partners can take to upper midmarket and enterprise customers.

Finding a Virtual Solution in Its Own Backyard

Web hosting specialist and Microsoft shop MaximumASP went looking for a virtualization solution. After evaluating the field, the Gold Certified Partner ended up sticking with Microsoft for a new virtual hosting business.

Microsoft Rolls out Matchmaker for Partners

Programs: New portal looks to link partners with complementary experience and bridge regional gaps.

By the Numbers: A 'Most Difficult Environment'

Company CFO Chris Lidell called the quarter perhaps "the most difficult environment Microsoft has faced in its entire 30-year history."

Small Business: Microsoft Redefines 'Entry Level' for Windows Server

Redmond releases OEM-only version called Windows Server 2008 Foundation for customers with fewer than 15 users.

Web Wise on the Sales Side

Partner Web sites should be more than marketing vehicles -- they should be sales tools as well.

Web 2.0 Series: Web Wise

The best business Web sites are more than online billboards -- they're powerful sales tools. Here's how some Microsoft partners are using their public sites to attract new customers and better serve their existing ones.

Marketing Lessons from the Obama Campaign

Microsoft partners can learn some valuable marketing lessons from Obama's campaign successes. Here's a list of eight that you can pu tot use now.

Piecing Together Your Virtualization Model

Rapid growth in virtual technology means partners with the right business plan can reap serious profits.

How Will Barack Obama Change the Channel?

Barack Obama is set to become the 44th president of the United States. How should partners position themselves for the new administration's IT spending priorities?

Essential Business Server: Best Practices in a Box

While many partners eagerly await the debut of the solution formerly known as "Centro," some grumble that Microsoft's midmarket server bundle leaves them with too few third-party options.

Unlocking the Secrets of Microsoft's Calendar

To many outside Redmond, the inner workings of the company's fiscal year are baffling at best. Our quarter-by-quarter guide removes some of the mystery -- and helps partners profit by doing the right thing at the right time.