Business Management

Best Practices: Keeping the Law on Your Side

Sooner or later, every growing company wrestles with the question of whether it's better to keep consulting outside legal counsel or finally bring an attorney in-house. Here's advice to help you make the right call.

MS101 for Microsoft Partners

Attendees at that first event in Maryland received a gift bag that included the Demo Showcase, a valuable set of customizable online demos.

Best Practices: The Narrative of Numbers

Opening the books can help your employees better understand your company's story-and empower them to help write its future.

Best Practices: Innovation

Innovation: What's in a word? The definition varies from person to person, but there are a few sure-fire ways to make sure a project ends with celebration rather than frustration.

Precious Gems in Plain Sight

Microsoft offers a wealth of resources that its executives really want you to use.

Branding 101

Think you can afford to ride on the coattails of the Microsoft name? Think again. You need to promote your own brand, too.

Best Practices: Learning to Love the Deal

Top-notch negotiators aren't born with that talent; they develop it by practice. Here's how to sharpen your own skills before you ever sit down at the table.

PC Market 'Healthy' Despite Weak Demand in Europe

Personal computer shipments grew roughly 10 percent in the second quarter despite soft sales in Europe, two influential research firms reported Wednesday.

Microsoft To Update Hosting Solution

Microsoft will ship early next month an update to its Web hosting package that takes advantage of recently released products and technologies.

The Two Faces of the Microsoft Brand

With a great brand name comes great partner responsibility.

Dealing with Microsoft Haters

Microsoft may be the world's best-known brand, but it's not necessarily the best-loved. Here are ways to overcome deal-busting objections.

The Importance of Being Microsoft

Microsoft isn't just the world's most powerful software company. It's also the world's biggest brand. Here's why -- and what that means to partners.

Navigating Microsoft

Microsoft is a massive, complex organization. Finding your way through it isn't easy, but savvy partners know it's essential to their success.