SQL Server

PDC: Microsoft Previews Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft on Tuesday showed off a pre-beta version of Windows Server 2008 R2 at its Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles.

PDC: Microsoft Outlines Windows 7, Slew of New Dev Technologies

Microsoft today articulated how it will bridge PCs and mobile devices with an extraordinary blitz of announcements that included the first demonstration of Windows 7, its Live Framework, a bevy of new offerings for developers including WPF support for Visual Studio, and the first preview of Office 14.

PDC: Microsoft Calls New Cloud Computing OS a 'Turning Point' for Company

At its Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles this week, Microsoft is unveiling the end-to-end vision for its Software plus Services platform.

Sync Framework: It's Still at Version 1.0

Microsoft claimed on Tuesday that it did not release the next version of its Sync Framework on Oct. 13, as reported by some news outlets last week.

Fortinet Helps DBAs Sniff Out DB Exploits

New security appliance gives DBAs a leg up on flaws and vulnerabilities lurking in corporate database management systems.

Microsoft Reveals Oslo Tools

As Microsoft readies pre-release bits for its Professional Developers Conference later this month, the company's Connected Services division today announced key components of its "Oslo" modeling platform.

Microsoft Outlines Next-Generation Databases

Microsoft kicked off its BI Conference this week in Seattle with news that it's planning to enhance the BI capabilities in the next version of SQL Server database.

Microsoft's BI Challenge, Round 2

Some internal movements at Redmond might have BI heavyweights on their toes.

Essential Business Server: Best Practices in a Box

While many partners eagerly await the debut of the solution formerly known as "Centro," some grumble that Microsoft's midmarket server bundle leaves them with too few third-party options.

Amazon To Host Microsoft Solutions in the Cloud

Amazon announced on Wednesday that it is conducting a private beta test of Microsoft's server products running on Amazon's hosted computing platform, which is called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

It's Official: Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0

Microsoft is revealing more about its plans for the next generation of Visual Studio Team System (code-named Rosario), part of the now officially named Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 rollout.

SQL Server 2008 Hits High Mark, Minus the Competition

Microsoft cited top TCP-E benchmark results for SQL Server 2008, but there's just one problem -- the test fielded no other DBMS competitors.

Cloud Computing Leaving Relational Databases Behind

One thing you won't find underlying a cloud computing initiative is a relational database. And this is no accident: Relational databases are ill-suited for use within cloud computing environments.

Windows Essential Business Server Hits RTM Status

With RTM milestone met, Windows Essential Business Server is expected become generally available on November 12.

SQL Injection Attack Hits BusinessWeek Site

Security firm Sophos disclosed on Monday that BusinessWeek magazine's Web site had been hacked.