In-Depth Features

Chomping at the SharePoint Bit

Partners say that customers are eager to deploy the 2010 release of the Microsoft collaborative computing platform.

The Crunch for Cash

Solutions providers and their customers with established credit histories suddenly can't get financing. Is help on the way?

Finding New Value in Old PCs and Servers

Gold Certified Partner TechTurn is making a big business out of selling refurbished PCs and servers. A new program through Tech Data gives other Microsoft partners a way to get in on the opportunity to go green.

A Cloudy Future Isn't Always a Bad Thing

This former disc jockey thinks cloud-based services is music to his ears.

Top 7 Windows Phone 7 Highlights from MIX10

From a scaled-down Office client to the much larger role of Silverlight, here are seven things about Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 preview that stood out at last week's conference.

Strained IT Departments Welcome MSP Help

If internal IT morale stands between you and an MSP, here are some tips for easing the transition.

Flip the IT Switch: From In-House to Hosted

Why hosted IT services makes sense, especially during a recession.

Microsoft and HP: Eyeing Their Next Move

Now that Oracle has completed its Sun acquisition, HP and Microsoft renew their alliance. Partners are watching to see if and where they fit in the great game among the giant IT vendors.

4 Smart Pricing Strategies for 2010

With customer expectations reset, businesses find themselves in uncharted territory as the economy improves. We canvassed experts for advice on setting your own pricing before the market sets it for you.

RCP Reader Survey: Cautiously Optimistic

In our annual RCP reader survey, the channel community is slightly upbeat about the changes coming in the Microsoft Partner Network, but unsure about what lies ahead.

One Hosting Provider's Message

How's this for a best practice? One Web hosting company sees a sensible answer in outsourcing.

Managed Services Smooth the Way in Rough Economic Times

Companies tired of the "break-fix" model find a better way.

Microsoft's 2010 Product Roadmap

Redmond will be releasing an arsenal of new enterprise technologies this year including upgrades of Office, SharePoint, SQL Server, Dynamics and more.

Notebook Nation

Laptops and netbooks aren't just for road warriors anymore. Here's a look at just how big the portable-computer market is -- and the trends that are driving its growth.

A Virtual Door Opens for SMBs

Microsoft's maturing virtualization stack offers opportunities for partners with customers of all sizes, including the "S" in SMB.

Partners on Health Care: Mixed Prognosis

For many channel partners, government action on health care is producing both anxiety and opportunity.

Marching Orders 2010

Are we continuing in a recession or coming out of one? No one can be sure. In our fourth annual Marching Orders feature, RCP's experts offer advice to put your company in good stead either way.

Preparing for the Multi-Platform Mobile Opportunity

Smartphones will grow exponentially in the coming years. If you're betting on one mobile platform, you may want to rethink that strategy.

PowerShell 2.0: Why It Matters

Learn how the latest version of Windows PowerShell can help you perform daily tasks and improve your efficiency.

Microsoft's Private Cloud Formation

As CIOs largely reject the early crop of cloud services for business-critical apps, Redmond readies private and hybrid cloud platforms.