In-Depth Features

Certified Mail: April 2002

Pass/Fail causes a storm; XML; Exchange and Active Directory; salary survey unrealistic?

88 High-Voltage Tips (continued...)

Become the network master of all your domains. This ultimate guide spells out new, smart ways to upgrade systems, set up services, monitor traffic, install applications and more— better, faster, cheaper.

Job Scheduling Utilities

These three packages let you automate tasks you need to accomplish daily.

Biometric Security Products

Wouldn't it be nice if your computer just knew you! Security Advisor's Roberta Bragg evaluates several solutions.

Automate Your Administration

Speed up and simplify your work by applying these 10 scripts to the job.

Be Prepared

Scout out potential trouble by listening to your servers’ sounds. The best plan, as always, is a current backup.

The TaeBo Workout for Your Active Directory Database

ntds.dit can quickly grow flabby if you don’t work it out regularly. Let NTDSUtil be your coach.

Certified Mail: March 2002

The value of bootcamps; what MCPs wear; Microsoft's certification retirement policy.

Your Brief Guide to Scripting Tools

Editors exist for all kinds of scripting needs—some free, some cheap, and some not-so-cheap. Use this guide to help you find the right product for your work.

SBS 2000 Report Card: One Year Later

Application Center 2000: Super Glue

Application Center 2000 isn’t the best known of Microsoft’s .NET servers, but if you run a Web or server farm, it can be indispensable.

Mobile Information Server: Unfulfilled Promise

Although Mobile Information Server works well, it’s too hobbled by limited interoperability with other Non-WAP devices and application support.

SharePoint Portal Server: Cool Tool

The Microsoft Answer for finding a needle in a haystack.

Content Management Server: Functionality—for a Price

Content Management Server 2001 provides a structured approach to managing Internet and intranet site content.

BizTalk Server: Putting B2B to Work

BizTalk Server 2000 gets closer to B2B application integration.

Commerce Server: Worth a Look

Once you get past the onerous installation requirements, Commerce Server 2000 can help make you a player in the e-business game.

Souping Up Your IIS Server

Strengthen your infrastructure for serious IIS use with these monitoring and analysis tools.

Serving Up the Enterprise

Microsoft’s been releasing new server products at a dizzying rate for the past year. Confused by all the choices? Let us add some clarity to your search.


Microsoft's certification for network and systems administrators.

Share the Load

Network Load Balancing in Windows 2000 makes your servers more efficient and your network faster. Here’s a quick-study on how to set it up.