Microsoft Partner Network (MPN)

What's the True Price of a Microsoft Competency?

Between exam costs, training costs and the cost of lost billable hours, the price of a gold Microsoft competency can far exceed Microsoft's base fee. Using the Gold Server Platform competency as a baseline, we look at how two partners have invested in the competency program, and what that investment has gotten them in return.

Microsoft Partner Network Cost: How Much To Join the MPN? (Updated)

WEB EXCLUSIVE: The short answer? It depends. For most U.S. solution providers, the MPN costs between $0 and $5,260. We break down the perks of six cost levels so you can determine where your firm will get the most bang for its buck.

Microsoft Action Pack Overhaul: Q&A

Bob Marsh, an original architect of the Microsoft Action Pack, talks about the origins of the channel's most popular subscription program and the best and worst parts of the controversial recent revamp.

What Will Be the Straw that Breaks the Microsoft Channel's Back?

The next few months could prove to be the most trying for all but the largest of Microsoft's partners.

Marching Orders 2014: Partner Tips and Predictions from Channel Experts

What will 2014 bring? RCP's stable of experts know, and they share their insights on everything from cloud and hybrid to new business models to the coming frenzy of Windows XP replacement.

Microsoft Partner Network Roadmap: A Guide to Upcoming MPN Changes

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Microsoft is readying a wave of modifications to the Microsoft Partner Network. Between the launch of new competencies and the retirement of several cloud programs, partners will be busy over the coming months as they prepare for the changes. Here's a timeline detailing what changes to expect, and what each will entail for partners.

One-on-One with Microsoft's New U.S. SMS&P Chief

Meet David Willis, who in the wake of the recent partner executive reshuffling now runs Microsoft's U.S. Small and Midmarket Solutions & Partners organization.

Q&A: Microsoft's Martorano on His Expanded U.S. Channel Role

Exec will manage National Systems Integrators, Licensing Solution Providers and Microsoft Surface sales.

Microsoft's New Channel Chief on 'Devices + Services' and the Changing Channel

Phil Sorgen, a veteran of many senior roles in the Microsoft field, was named corporate vice president for the Worldwide Partner Group, replacing Jon Roskill.

MPN 2.0: Behind the Microsoft Partner Network Overhaul

At the Worldwide Partner Conference, Microsoft laid out a major overhaul of the 3-year-old Microsoft Partner Network. The changes send several important messages about how the software giant is thinking about its partners and their role.

Microsoft Partner Network Competency Changes in 2014 (Flow Chart)

In January 2014, Microsoft will boil 25 competencies and one quasi-competency down to 22. Here are the key changes (and a list of the competncies that remain unchanged).

Willis To Run Microsoft's U.S. SMS&P Group

David Willis, Microsoft's top U.S. sales executive for Dynamics business applications, will step up to run the entire U.S. Small and Midmarket Solutions & Partners organization on Sept. 1.

Sorgen To Replace Roskill as Microsoft Channel Chief

Phil Sorgen will replace Jon Roskill as the corporate vice president of the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Group on Sept. 1, Microsoft announced Thursday.

Microsoft's 50 'Most Competent' Partners: 2013

RCP identifies the "biggest" Microsoft partners in terms of their number of competencies in this second-annual list.

Parsing Through the WPC 2013 Rumors (UPDATED)

Are PAMs going away? Is a major partner executive leaving? As usual, there were plenty of rumors floating around this year's Worldwide Partner Conference floor -- some more well-founded than others. Howard separates fact from fiction.