Windows Phone 7, Smartphones/Tablets

Apple Unveils iPad 2, New Version of Mobile OS

Apple has announced that it will ship the new dual-core iPad 2 next week.

Google Offers $20,000 To Hack Chrome

Google is looking to reward those who can find a vulnerability in its Chrome browser.

Where Are the Windows Tablets?

Microsoft misses CES opportunity to wow industry with tablet innovation, but shows new foundations for future Windows-based devices.

Verizon To Acquire Terremark

Looking to accelerate its footprint as a provider of cloud and enterprise managed services, Verizon Communications Inc. today said it has agreed to acquire Terremark Worldwide Inc. for $1.4 billion.

Analysts Knock Heads Over ARM-Based 'Windows Next'

Analysts are thinking out loud in the wake of Microsoft's Windows ARM announcement last week.

Microsoft Shows Off Windows 7-Based Devices at CES Event

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer kicked off this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Wednesday night with lots of positive stats, along with a few gizmos.

Next-Gen Windows Will Support SoCs, ARM Chips

Microsoft announced today that it is integrating its next-generation Windows client operating system on system-on-a-chip hardware and will use the ARM architecture.

Microsoft Focuses on Windows Phone, IE 9, Cloud in PDC Keynote

Microsoft kicked off its 2010 Professional Developers Conference (PDC) today by offering developers worldwide an update on its emerging cloud computing, Windows Phone and Internet Explorer 9 development platforms.

Ozzie Lays Out 'Post-PC World'

Ray Ozzie, renown for jumpstarting Microsoft's move to the Internet cloud, described a new vision for the company in a "post-PC world."

HP Ships Windows 7 Slate PC

Hewlett-Packard's long-awaited slate PC is now available but with a different target audience than originally planned.

Microsoft Launches Windows Phone 7

Global rollout includes nine new phones to be available in 30 countries.

OCS Is Out, Lync Is In

With new product name, Communications Server enters release candidate stage.

Smartphone Adoption Beating Expectations

IDC upgrades 2010 growth forecast for converged mobile devices.

UPDATE: Microsoft Realigning Its Windows Embedded Business

Microsoft announced today that it plans to realign its Windows Embedded Business group to better connect with the company's management and security product lines.

IDC: Smartphone Adoption Growing Faster Than Expected

A fierce mobile OS competition will start leveling the field in the next four years, the research firm predicts.

Google and Verizon Push Tiered Broadband Services

Proposal excludes wireless bandwidth and calls for weak FCC regulation. Critics allege the approach would create "private fast lanes" for "big players" and a "winding dirt road" for "the little guy."

Google and Verizon Push Tiered Broadband Services

Google and Verizon today issued a statement on U.S. broadband policy, describing an approach that would permit differentiated services.

Report: Tablets To Grab Market Share Over Netbooks

Tablet handheld computers will begin to outsell netbooks in two years in the U.S. market, according to Forrester Research.

Ballmer: Microsoft's Partners Must Embrace the Cloud

Microsoft's partners should get onboard with Microsoft's business shift to the cloud or be left behind.

OEM Chief Makes the Case for Microsoft

Guggenheimer explains why Microsoft still matters in a digital near-future that isn't necessarily PC-centric.