Navigating Microsoft

TechEd Europe: Enabling the Private Cloud

Microsoft rolls out a set of programs, products and service offerings called Hyper-V Cloud.

Some Partners Get the White-Glove Treatment

Microsoft executives know the switch to the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) is delicate.

OEM Chief Makes the Case for Microsoft

Guggenheimer explains why Microsoft still matters in a digital near-future that isn't necessarily PC-centric.

Making the Most of a Partner Conference

In a field crowded with competitors, differentiation needs to be part of everything you do -- even how you attend a partner conference.

Taking Another Look at the LAR-VAR Balance

An experiment with deal registration for Microsoft partners suggests that the company is looking for alternatives to its current reseller structure. As with many changes, this is fraught with both opportunity and risk.

Shaking up Subscriptions

As part of the Microsoft Partner Network overhaul, Microsoft is revamping the popular Action Pack program this month.

Competing and Cannibalizing

When Microsoft wades into a market with an inexpensive, global solution with the weight of its vast partner community behind it, everyone else often heads for cover.

Will Google Disrupt the Microsoft Channel?

Microsoft is usually the one to beat. But we're talking search, so this means Microsoft is looking up to a larger foe in Google.

11 Things to Know About...WPC 2010

If you're attending Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference 2010 in Washington D.C. this July, here's 11 things to keep you eye out for.

Clouds: Shifting the Business Model

Now that Microsoft Windows Azure and SQL Azure are commercially available, partners need to consider how the company's new cloud services will change the landscape of how software and services are delivered.

Microsoft and HP: Eyeing Their Next Move

Now that Oracle has completed its Sun acquisition, HP and Microsoft renew their alliance. Partners are watching to see if and where they fit in the great game among the giant IT vendors.

Marching Orders 2010

Are we continuing in a recession or coming out of one? No one can be sure. In our fourth annual Marching Orders feature, RCP's experts offer advice to put your company in good stead either way.

Cutting LARs to the Bone

For LARs, recent changes to the way Microsoft treats its reseller channel have really hurt.

Microsoft, Partners Fumbling Toward Community

As part of the recent overhaul of its partner program, Microsoft made a big bet on leveraging existing social networks.

Partner Hosting Still Has a Future

Long the subject of benign neglect, the Services Provider License Agreement has been rejuvenated in the last year with significant program changes.