Navigating Microsoft

Q&A with Microsoft's Top Channel Exec: Is the MPN Still Worth the Cost?

RCP asks Microsoft's Jon Roskill about the increase in price to gain the gold competency and the overall value of the 2-year-old Microsoft Partner Network.

Microsoft's 'Cloud OS' Era Means a Return to License Land

Microsoft threw another wrench in the effort to define cloud computing when it ushered in its Cloud OS era with Windows Server 2012. But for partners, the new definition means that for once, they won't have to change as much as they thought.

Microsoft To Consolidate MPN Competencies in November (CHART)

Microsoft is reducing the number of competencies in the Microsoft Partner Network this month from 29 to 25.

Why Is Microsoft Putting the Squeeze on Partner Support?

In reducing its ranks of partner-facing support personnel, Microsoft may be taking some pointers from the president of Howard's old company: "If you've got enough people to do the job, you have too many people."

Windows Server 2012: The 24 Things Microsoft Partners Should Know

With an all-new model of computing, the next version of the Microsoft flagship server OS comes with new editions, licensing, product dependencies, features and partner opportunities.

To Get in Good with Microsoft, Find the Right Salesperson

As Microsoft moves ever closer to a subscription-based model, connecting with the right salesperson isn't just strategy -- it's key.

Office 365: Microsoft Partners Reset Their Plans Around Direct Billing

With the introduction of a mainstream partner billing option for Office 365, Microsoft overcame the biggest partner objection to its cloud productivity suite. Now happier partners are looking for ways to restart their efforts with new business-model options.

What About Windows RT?

Windows 8 has taken the lion's share of the spotlight, but Windows RT still has big implications for Microsoft partners.

MPN Changes Coming November To Include Gold Price Hike

Other tweaks on tap for November include consolidation of app dev competencies, shuffling of SharePoint competencies and recasting of the Desktop competency.

Microsoft: Still Crazy After All These Years

Some people might look at the "new" Microsoft and say it's less personal, more corporate. Those people would be wrong.

Can Microsoft Cloud Partners Compete with Windows Azure?

Microsoft's recent cloud moves threaten to push providers away from Redmond and toward virtualization juggernaut VMware.

A Microsoft Partner's Guide to Managed Services, Part 3: Microsoft Product Shakeup

Big changes, opportunities and challenges lie ahead with Small Business Server, Office 365 and Windows 8.

Report: Microsoft Is Consulting with Acer on Surface Pricing

Microsoft hardware partner Acer is consulting with Redmond over potential pricing for the forthcoming Surface tablet, according to a report by Digitimes.

What Microsoft's About-Face on Office 365 Billing Means

Despite snubbing its OEMs with the Surface, Microsoft's decision to allow direct billing with Office 365 shows that Redmond still has its partners' back.

A Microsoft Partner's Guide to Managed Services, Part 2: 9 Add-On Opportunities for MSPs

Top ways for MSPs to add value and revenues range from standards such as business continuity and security, to newer approaches like mobile-device management and bundled consulting.