New Business Opportunities

Google Gains Channel Momentum

Search giant claims 1,000 authorized resellers in its year-old program.

Finding New Value in Old PCs and Servers

Gold Certified Partner TechTurn is making a big business out of selling refurbished PCs and servers. A new program through Tech Data gives other Microsoft partners a way to get in on the opportunity to go green.

Iron Mountain Acquires Mimosa

Off-premises backup company gets e-mail, SharePoint archiving in deal.

The Evolution of Microsoft BPOS

In a recent webinar, Kayvaan Ghassemieh, senior technical product manager for Microsoft Online Services, outlined recent milestones, developments and changes to the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS).

Reaching the Third Screen

Microsoft revamps mobile strategy with Windows Phone 7.

If Taxes Are Inevitable, Cash In

Tackling the government sector can pay long-term dividends.

Google Gains Momentum with Apps

A year after launching its partner program aimed at offering Google Apps to enterprise customers, Google this week said it is approaching 1,000 resellers.

Partners on Health Care: Mixed Prognosis

For many channel partners, government action on health care is producing both anxiety and opportunity.

Oracle PartnerNetwork Specialized Debuts

New program includes partner specializations, resources and a bigger emphasis on social media.

Get Market Development Funds While the Getting's Good

Since Windows 7 launched, Microsoft has resuscitated two well-received partner funding programs: The Big Easy and the HP/Microsoft Frontline Partnership.

Survey Says: Partners Matter to IT Pros

More than 2,300 customers responded to a Microsoft-sponsored survey identifying what solution provider characteristics matter most to them, and how and why they choose a partner.

Microsoft, Partners Fumbling Toward Community

As part of the recent overhaul of its partner program, Microsoft made a big bet on leveraging existing social networks.

Making the Most of BPOS

Chicago-based PointBridge sprinted out of the gate with the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite -- to the tune of $640,000 in revenues in one year. Co-founder Todd Golden tells RCP how PointBridge did it.

Making a Cloud Play

Wayne Beekman is maneuvering his business to catch the cloud. Should you be doing that too?

Shedding a Light on the SaaS Trail

Despite uncertain prospects, a few partners are already investing in some of Microsoft's SaaS- and cloud-based initiatives.