Sales and Marketing

Chomping at the SharePoint Bit

Partners say that customers are eager to deploy the 2010 release of the Microsoft collaborative computing platform.

Corporate Culture as a Marketing Investment

To make your business stand out, what you do internally behind the scenes can be even more important than what you do externally.

A Walkthrough of a Broken Organization

Strategic sales management is often a weak link in solution provider companies.

The Crunch for Cash

Solutions providers and their customers with established credit histories suddenly can't get financing. Is help on the way?

The MPN Comes into Focus

While Microsoft partners have known major changes were coming to the company's partner program this year, the specifics have been vague.

4 Smart Pricing Strategies for 2010

With customer expectations reset, businesses find themselves in uncharted territory as the economy improves. We canvassed experts for advice on setting your own pricing before the market sets it for you.

Become a Thought Leader

The benefits of thought leadership are many, and cost less than engaging in a full-blown advertising campaign.

Make a Mark with Your Marketing

As the economy improves this year, partners should have differentiation in mind -- starting with marketing.

Finding Some Sales Sanity in 2010

Last year may have been a depressing one for sales teams, but every difficult situation has a lesson in it.

Marching Orders 2010

Are we continuing in a recession or coming out of one? No one can be sure. In our fourth annual Marching Orders feature, RCP's experts offer advice to put your company in good stead either way.

Bringing a Little Personality to Sales

Selling based on your buyer's personality can help increase your sales volume and improve your velocity.

Nice Guys Can Finish First

The temptation to strike fear into the hearts of your salespeople can become overpowering at this time of the year, but there are better ways to get results.

Microsoft Unveils Project Management Effort

Program is newly opened to U.S. partners after trials in Europe and Australia.

The Other Shoe Drops on Microsoft Financing

Microsoft formally ratchets up the percentage of its products that must be included in financed deals.

Spotlight on the Netbook

While netbooks pose problems for Microsoft and partner business models, most indications show this computing trend is here to stay.