
Microsoft and Google Square Off for Long-Term SaaS Battle

Microsoft and Google both recently added to their in-the-clouds application offerings.

Report: Microsoft Readying New SaaS Push

According to blogger Nicholas Carr, Microsoft may be preparing to make a major Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) announcement soon, possibly at its Mix '08 conference this week in Las Vegas

McAfee Adds Secure Virtualization Service

McAfee has created a new service offering, McAfee Foundstone Professional Services, that aims to secure virtualized environments.

VMware Announces New Security APIs for Partners

VMware on Thursday announced VMsafe, new security application programming interfaces (APIs) that, according to the company will allow its partners to develop security solutions for virtualized applications "in ways previously not possible in physical environments."

Microsoft Launches Key 2008 Products in Los Angeles

Redmond officially rolls out Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 in Los Angeles event.

VMware Announces Hypervisor Deals for Dell, HP, IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens Servers

Today at VMworld Europe in Cannes, France, VMware announced that within the next 60 days ESX 3i hypervisor will ship embedded in servers from its partners Dell, IBM, HP and Fujitsu-Siemens.

M&A: Virtually Unlimited Opportunity

Citrix CEO Mark Templeton says his company's acquisition of virtualization vendor XenSource has created a fast-growing joint channel for partners as well.

VMware Moves to Automation

One of the great things about virtualization is that it makes it incredibly easy to add a new server -- or 10, or 100 new servers.

Study Highlights Use, Challenges, and Future of Virtualization

Although 54 percent of large enterprises around the globe rate management of their virtual server environment as a critical or high IT priority, fewer than half (45 percent) think their companies are doing it effectively, according to CA's global survey about virtualized environments released this week.

Alfresco Survey Polls Enterprise Stack Practices

The second Alfresco Open Source Barometer survey found a general trend toward the use of mixed open source and proprietary software in the enterprise.

Study: Servers Lead Virtualization Pack

A global enterprise virtualization survey released today confirms that virtualization is becoming stronger and stronger in the enterprise, with server virtualization leading the wave.

Citrix Announces New XenServer Editions, Renames Presentation Server

Citrix today formally announced Citrix XenServer 4.1 and Citrix XenServer Platinum Edition.

Microsoft Will Release Vista SP1 Early to 'Technical Customers'

Microsoft reversed an earlier decision that would have forced IT pros to wait until mid-March to get their hands on Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

Flash Ads Serving Up Malware on Popular Sites

Malicious Flash banner ads have been surfacing on major web sites including,, and in the last month, according to media reports.

VMware Gets a Face-Lift

Virtualization leader's flagship offering now sports improved performance, availability and management capabilities.

Amazon Expands Into Data Center Market

Critics thought it was over the top when Inc. expanded from books into music in 1998. When the Web retailer let competitors start selling things alongside its own inventory in 2000, they said Amazon had gone nuts.

VMware Updates Desktop Manager, Integrates with VDI

Yesterday VMware announced it has released a live version of Virtual Desktop Manager (VDM) 2 and integrated it with its Virtual Desktop Infrastructure management product.

IBM Goes After SMB Virtualization with PowerVM Express

Yesterday IBM announced the release of PowerVM Express and a new Power6 microprocessor which, when combined, will bring new efficiencies to virtualization for small- and medium-size businesses, it said.

VMware Shares Plunge More Than 30 Pct

VMware Inc.'s high-flying stock plunged by more than 30 percent Tuesday as investors reacted to a disappointing fourth-quarter earnings report that raised worries about the business software maker's ability to cope with tougher competition and a slowing U.S. economy.

VMLogix Supports Citrix XenServer

VMLogix is joining forces with the Fort Lauderdale, Fla-based company to make its virtual lab automation solutions available on Citrix's newly acquired XenServer.