Windows 10

IT Schools: Readers Weigh In

Readers speak up to tell us about their training experiences—the good and the bad.

Talkin' Turkey

Not much in the mood to be grateful this year, Auntie sounds off about things for which she’s not so thankful.

Quick Look: PKI: Implementing and Managing E-Security

A "must have" book for any one interested in learning about PKI or the Information Security professional serious about securing transactions on the Internet.

Delegate! Passing Administrative Control with Active Directory

One of Active Directory’s coolest features is the ability to delegate administration in an extremely granular way. This guide shows you how.

Oh No, Not Another Windows 2000 Security Book

One that gets it right — mostly.

Troubleshoot Group Policy

These tricks and tools will help you seek out and destroy problem policies.

Windows Script Components, Part Deux

The wizard is great, but you'll have to dig deeper to reap all of WSC's rewards.

Understanding Group Policy

A standout among books on this complex topic.

Rollouts, Explained

Become your company's Win2K installation expert.

Duel to the Death

This health system's organization had its migration strategy all mapped out. But then reality intervened, causing a major course-change.

A Little Q&A

Exam 70-217 requires solid knowledge of Active Directory. Analyzing questions as well as answers (both right and wrong) can help prepare you for the task ahead.

FTP: Still Valuable After All These Years

File Transfer Protocol has been around a while, and it's still one of the most useful tools to have under your Windows 2000 belt.

Planetary Domain

This manufacturing company is seeing its operations spread out around the planet and using Windows 2000 to tie it all together.

Amazing Stories

If your company's considering a migration or upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 to 2000, these true tales of woe and triumph will help you make the journey fearlessly.

Active Directory Object Permissions 101

Understanding the ins and outs of AD and object permissions is no simple task, but your efforts can help avoid catastrophe.