Windows 10

A Matter of Class

Taking an object-oriented approach to scripting can help your variable structure run like a well-oiled machine.


Your first step into Microsoft's certification program.

Scaling the Certification Mountain

As you negotiate the tricky trail leading to the summit—your Windows 2000 MCSE certification—will New Riders’ ExamGear product provide a lifeline?

Collective Road Map

If you're looking for a solid guide down the certification path, Osborne McGraw-Hill's MCSE Windows 2000 Study Guide collection is a step in the right direction.

Oracle and Microsoft Working Together a la COM+

Here's how one company's consultants used COM+ and MTS to scale its Oracle database to be available via the Web.

Worth Its Weight

The Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking's comprehensive inclusion of networking terms is balanced by the somewhat lightweight and succinct etymologies.

Tackling Those MCSE Exams

Seeking comprehensive prep materials for the Windows 2000 core tests?

Active Directory’s Ins and Outs

For a detailed look at Active Directory, peruse this technical reference.

Missing for a Reason?

The missing manual that should have never been found.

Mastering Network Services

This volume will teach you the ins and outs of Windows 2000 Network Services.

A Surface View of Exchange 2000 Server

Don't expect to learn more about Exchange 2000 Server than the name of this book implies.

The Guide to Windows 2000 Wisdom: My Whistler Whish List

Because Whistler is Microsoft's response to customer feedback on Windows 2000, here's my lists of wants.

Taking the Trouble Out of TCP/IP

Don't let Windows 2000 TCP/IP control you. Control it, using this book as a reference.

Active Directory Answers: Active Directory Updating

Knowing how AD replication works in Windows 2000 can help you tune it for optimal system performance.

Drilling Down on Queries

Now that you understand the basic structure of a SQL application, let's dissect the basis of information retrieval: the query.