Navigating Microsoft

What To Expect in Microsoft's Fiscal '16: Focus on Cloud

How to navigate Microsoft's shifting attitudes toward the cloud in the coming fiscal year.

Top 5 Parts of the Microsoft Partner Network, Rated by Partners

WEB EXCLUSIVE: In a recent survey, partners reveal the most important reasons they align themselves with Microsoft.

Microsoft Product Power Ratings

A regularly updated guide to what's hot, what's not, what's trending and what's flailing for the Microsoft channel.

For Microsoft's Cloud Partners, 'Consumption' Is the Order of the Day

It's not enough for partners to drive sales of Microsoft's cloud; now, they're being asked to drive cloud workloads.

An Interview with Microsoft's New Dynamics Channel Chief

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Former longtime IBM executive Victor Morales made his public debut at Microsoft Convergence after three months on the job.

How To Speak Microsoft: Use These Acronyms

A brief glossary of the two-, three- and four-letter terms that Microsoft loves and partners should know.

New Azure Releases Make It Easier for Partners To Sell Microsoft's Cloud

From security to storage to identity management, the recent raft of new Azure services gives Microsoft partners multiple ways to meet today's business requirements.

10 Ways Windows 10 Will Affect Microsoft Partners

Everything will change for the Microsoft ecosystem when the next client OS ships. Here's a feature-by-feature guide to what specific partner types should expect from Windows 10.

Q&A with Top Microsoft Channel Exec Phil Sorgen

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Have faith in Microsoft on CRM, give Pinpoint another chance, check out DigitalStride, stay tuned on Surface in the channel and keep an eye on opportunities in Azure, hybrid cloud and EMS, Sorgen advises.

Partnering with Microsoft in the Nadella Era: What's Changed?

Between the end of stack ranking and the emergence of faster release cycles, partners are contending with a much different Microsoft than the one under Ballmer.

Who Speaks for the Channel Partner?

Impersonal vendor channels are drowning out partners who voice their concerns. Is the only solution to speak louder?

Microsoft Partners: Get Used to Dodging a Drunk Dinosaur

A few of Microsoft's recent moves have the company lumbering right onto partners' territory.

WPC 2014 in Quotes: 12 Key Themes

WEB EXCLUSIVE: A recap of some of the important themes Microsoft executives spotlighted at the 2014 Worldwide Partner Conference keynotes.

One Year in the Microsoft Channel

For the Microsoft channel, it's July -- not the start of the calendar year -- that provides the best point for looking back on what's changed over the last 12 months.

Microsoft's Channel Chief to Partners: Up Your Game with Us

Phil Sorgen talks to RCP about his first Worldwide Partner Conference as head of Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Group, the evolving direction of the partner channel and Microsoft's role in it.