Business Management

Google Gains Channel Momentum

Search giant claims 1,000 authorized resellers in its year-old program.

Finding New Value in Old PCs and Servers

Gold Certified Partner TechTurn is making a big business out of selling refurbished PCs and servers. A new program through Tech Data gives other Microsoft partners a way to get in on the opportunity to go green.

Iron Mountain Acquires Mimosa

Off-premises backup company gets e-mail, SharePoint archiving in deal.

The Evolution of Microsoft BPOS

In a recent webinar, Kayvaan Ghassemieh, senior technical product manager for Microsoft Online Services, outlined recent milestones, developments and changes to the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS).

Reaching the Third Screen

Microsoft revamps mobile strategy with Windows Phone 7.

The MPN Comes into Focus

While Microsoft partners have known major changes were coming to the company's partner program this year, the specifics have been vague.

Clouds: Shifting the Business Model

Now that Microsoft Windows Azure and SQL Azure are commercially available, partners need to consider how the company's new cloud services will change the landscape of how software and services are delivered.

Microsoft and HP: Eyeing Their Next Move

Now that Oracle has completed its Sun acquisition, HP and Microsoft renew their alliance. Partners are watching to see if and where they fit in the great game among the giant IT vendors.

4 Smart Pricing Strategies for 2010

With customer expectations reset, businesses find themselves in uncharted territory as the economy improves. We canvassed experts for advice on setting your own pricing before the market sets it for you.

If Taxes Are Inevitable, Cash In

Tackling the government sector can pay long-term dividends.

Become a Thought Leader

The benefits of thought leadership are many, and cost less than engaging in a full-blown advertising campaign.

Google Gains Momentum with Apps

A year after launching its partner program aimed at offering Google Apps to enterprise customers, Google this week said it is approaching 1,000 resellers.

Trust in the Cloud

Partners inevitably put their credibility on the line when cloud offerings go offline.

Make a Mark with Your Marketing

As the economy improves this year, partners should have differentiation in mind -- starting with marketing.

Finding Some Sales Sanity in 2010

Last year may have been a depressing one for sales teams, but every difficult situation has a lesson in it.